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How to run a full node (Nitro)

⚠️ Note: There is no protocol level incentive to run an Arbitum full node. If you’re interested in accessing an Arbitrum chain, but you don’t want to set up your own node, see our Node Providers to get RPC access to fully-managed nodes hosted by a third party provider.

Minimum hardware configuration

  • Followings specify the minimum hardware configuration required to setup a Nitro full node (not archival):
    • RAM: 4-8 GB
    • CPU: 2-4 core CPU (For AWS: t3 xLarge)
    • Storage: Minimum 1.2TB SSD (make sure it is extendable)
    • Estimated Growth Rate: around 3 GB per day

⚠️ Note: The minimum storage requirements will change over time as the Nitro chain grows. It is recommended to use more than the minimum requirements to run a robust full node.

Required artifacts

  • Latest Docker Image: offchainlabs/nitro-node:v2.0.14-2baa834

  • Database snapshot (required for Arbitrum One, optional for other chains)

    • Use the parameter --init.url on first startup to initialize the Nitro database (you can find a list of snapshots here). Example: --init.url="".
    • When running more than one node, it's easier to manually download the image of the snapshot and host it locally for your nodes. You can then use --init.url="file:///path/to/snapshot/in/container/snapshot-file.tar" to use it.
    • This parameter is required when initializing an Arbitrum One node because the chain has classic blocks. For the rest of chains, this parameter is optional.
    • This parameter is ignored if the database already exists.

Required parameter

  • --l1.url=<Layer 1 Ethereum RPC URL>
    • Must provide standard layer 1 node RPC endpoint that you run yourself or from a node provider
  • --l2.chain-id=<L2 Chain ID>

Important ports

  • RPC: 8547
  • Sequencer Feed: 9642
  • WebSocket: 8548
    • WS port 8548 needs extra args to be opened. Please use these flags:
      • --ws.port=8548
      • --ws.addr=

Putting it all together

  • When running docker image, an external volume should be mounted to persist the database across restarts. The mount point inside the docker image should be /home/user/.arbitrum

  • Here is an example of how to run nitro-node:

    • Note that is important that /some/local/dir/arbitrum already exists, otherwise the directory might be created with root as owner, and the docker container won't be able to write to it
    docker run --rm -it  -v /some/local/dir/arbitrum:/home/user/.arbitrum -p -p offchainlabs/nitro-node:v2.0.14-2baa834 --l1.url https://l1-node:8545 --l2.chain-id=<L2ChainId> --http.api=net,web3,eth,debug --http.corsdomain=* --http.addr= --http.vhosts=*
    • Note that if you are running L1 node on localhost, you may need to add --network host right after docker run to use docker host-based networking

    • When shutting down docker image, it is important to allow for a graceful shutdown so that the current state can be saved to disk. Here is an example of how to do a graceful shutdown of all docker images currently running

    docker stop --time=300 $(docker ps -aq)

Note on permissions

  • The Docker image is configured to run as non-root UID 1000. This means if you are running in Linux or OSX and you are getting permission errors when trying to run the docker image, run this command to allow all users to update the persistent folders
    mkdir /data/arbitrum
    chmod -fR 777 /data/arbitrum

Watchtower mode

  • By default, the full node will run in Watchtower mode. This means that the node watches the on-chain assertions and if it disagrees with them, it will log an error containing the string found incorrect assertion in watchtower mode.
  • Watchtower mode adds a small amount of execution and memory overhead. You can deactivate this mode by using the parameter --node.staker.enable=false.


  • Pruning a full node refers to the process of removing older, unnecessary data from the local copy of the blockchain that the node maintains, in order to save disk space and slightly improve the efficiency of the node. Pruning will remove all states from blocks older than the latest 128.
  • You can activate pruning by using the parameter --init.prune and using "full" or "validator" as the value (depending on the type of node you are running). Keep in mind that this process will happen upon starting the node and it will not serve RPC requests while pruning.

Optional parameters

  • --init.url="<snapshot file>"
    • URL to download the genesis database from. Only required when starting an Arbitrum One node for the first time. You can find a list of snapshots here. If you want to run an archive node, use the url in running an archive node.
    • Location to temporarily save the downloaded database snapshot (it defaults to "/tmp/"). It is used together with --init.url when needed.
  • --node.rpc.classic-redirect=<classic node RPC>
    • If set, will redirect archive requests for pre-nitro blocks to the designated RPC, which should be an Arbitrum Classic node with archive database. Only valid for Arbitrum One.
  • --http.api
    • APIs offered over the HTTP-RPC interface (default net,web3,eth,arb)
    • Add debug to enable tracing
  • --http.corsdomain
    • Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced)
  • --http.vhosts
    • Comma separated list of virtual hostnames from which to accept requests (server enforced). Accepts * wildcard (default localhost)
  • --http.addr
    • Address to bind RPC to. May need to be set to for docker networking to work properly
  • --node.caching.archive
    • Retain past block state (for archive nodes)
  • --node.feed.input.url=<feed address>
    • Defaults to wss://<chainName>
    • ⚠️ When running more than one node, it is strongly suggested to provide one feed relay per datacenter. See further instructions in How to run a feed relay.
  • --node.forwarding-target=<sequencer RPC>
    • Defaults to appropriate L2 Sequencer RPC depending on L1 and L2 chain IDs provided
  • --node.rpc.evm-timeout
    • Defaults to 5s, timeout used for eth_call (0 == no timeout)
  • --node.rpc.gas-cap
    • Defaults to 50000000, cap on computation gas that can be used in eth_call/estimateGas (0 = no cap)
  • --node.rpc.tx-fee-cap
    • Defaults to 1, cap on transaction fee (in ether) that can be sent via the RPC APIs (0 = no cap)
  • --ipc.path
    • Filename for IPC socket/pipe within the datadir (explicit paths escape it)
    • 🔉 Note that IPC (Inter-Process Communication) is not supported on the macOS yet, and hence, it will return connection refused if used
    • 🔉 Also note that this path is within the Docker container, you need to put it to the Docker mount point in order to use it
  • --init.prune
    • Activates offline pruning on initialization. Value can be "full" for full nodes serving RPC requests, or "validator" for validators (Only works after v2.0.14)